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Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love

With DaRa Williams, Kaira Jewel Lingo, Shelly Graff, and Yong Oh at the Insight Meditation Society Retreat Center.

Please join us for Return to Wholeness: Opening to Wisdom & Love

It is 2,600 years since Siddhartha Gautama experienced a profound awakening and became the Buddha. In our current times, what does it mean for us to fully wake up? What are the conditions, qualities, and actions to develop to move us towards liberation? Throughout this insight meditation retreat, we will seek to answer these questions through Buddhist teachings and practices, which offer a path toward greater clarity, compassion, freedom, ease of being, and joy.

We will cultivate our capacity to abide in wisdom and love through the integration of the mind, body, and heart. It is the integration of wisdom and love that can take us to freedom in this very life, here and now. The practices of the heart and the wisdom born from understanding can create the conditions for an integrated awareness. By engaging the heartmind through reflection and the practices of lovingkindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity, we can open and move towards wholeness as we walk this spiritual journey called life.

This course will be held in noble silence, and we welcome the diversity of all who seek to deepen their practice and understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. We invite both beginning and experienced meditators to join us for this exploration. The daily schedule will include meditation instruction, alternate periods of sitting and walking practice, talks by the teachers, Q&R, and discussion.

More info and to register here.

In person retreat

March 18

Spiritual Radicals: Saints and Bodhisattvas of the Beloved Community

April 2
