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Contemplative Reflection on 2022 and Welcoming in the New Year: The Practice of Examen

Adam Bucko (my husband and an Episcopal priest) and I invite you to join us in a contemplative practice of reflecting on the past year and preparing to welcome the new year, in loving and aware community. We will gather on Zoom this Jan 1, 2023 from 5-6:30pm ET.

Adam and I will offer an ancient prayer practice inspired by St. Ignatius of Loyola, called Examen (something we have been practicing regularly at the end of our day to help us receive the full gifts and learnings of each day, but it can be adapted for a month or year, etc).

We will begin with introductions. After a brief initial meditation to help us arrive and settle, and an introduction to the Examen practice, we will invite you to reflect with us on different aspects of the past year and your intentions for the new year, in silence, with journaling, and also with others in breakout rooms, and finally with the larger group. We will end the practice with a closing circle for group reflection. This practice will be adapted and presented in an interfaith or interspiritual way. Everyone is welcome to join this event, of whatever faith tradition or none. (There will also be the possibility for BIPOC and LGBTQI affinity groups during the breakout group times for those self-identified BIPOC and LGBTQI participants who wish.)

This event is by donation and everyone is welcome to participate independent of your ability to donate.

Click here to register.

December 4

Cultivating the Wise Heart on the Cushion and in the World: Practicing Mindfulness and the “Divine Abodes”

January 29

Widening to See the Big Picture When Times are Tough