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Cultivating the Wise Heart on the Cushion and in the World: Practicing Mindfulness and the “Divine Abodes”

The Divine Abodes (Brahmaviharas) of lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, are the places of the open, awakened heart. In this retreat, on the foundation of insight meditation and the development of mindfulness, we will learn the formal practices of lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. We will also offer guidance for bringing these practices into daily life, including in challenging situations—whether in our relationships, our work and community lives, our being present in the pandemic, or in our efforts at social change. All of these practices strengthen clear seeing and wisdom, self-confidence, self-acceptance, generosity of spirit, steadiness of mind and heart, and skillful action, revealing our fundamental kindness and wisdom, in a culture in which heart and mind are often disconnected.

Online Retreat with Kaira Jewel Lingo and Donald Rothberg

This online retreat is being offered through Insight LA. More info and to register here.

November 22

Nurturing the Good: The Power of Gratitude in Challenging Times

January 1

Contemplative Reflection on 2022 and Welcoming in the New Year: The Practice of Examen