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Awake in the Wild: Exploring Awareness and Insight in Nature

Save the Date! Awake in the Wild: Exploring Awareness and Insight in Nature In person retreat at Spirit Rock with Kaira Jewel Lingo and Mark Coleman

Nowhere is the power of contemplative silence and meditation more profound than in the beauty of nature. Following the rich Buddhist tradition of meditating in the forest, this retreat will be spent primarily outside, practicing in the beauty of nature, in the hills and woodlands of Spirit Rock.

Through cultivating various mindfulness and sensory awareness meditation practices outdoors, we can deepen our relationship to ourselves, the earth, and awaken our receptivity to nature as a profound teacher. This deepening awareness opens us to experiences of interconnectedness, insight, and love. It reveals the ephemeral and transient nature of experience, and allows us to experience ourselves as part of the broader web of life and attune to a sense of mystery and wonder.

For more info here. Currently, there is a waitlist.

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